
Having a property survey on a house, flat or other type of property in Essex that you are considering purchasing is a must if you really want to know the valuation , the condition and be advised of any potential problems, allowing you to be forewarned and able to either negotiate a better price with the vendor or at the very least give you piece of mind that your investment is safe.


 *** A Homebuyers Condition Survey as a minimum is recommended


A Homebuyers Condition survey and the MiBuilding survey will identify any issues/problems there may be to enable you to negotiate a discount from the property price or at the very least allow you to know what you need to be aware of, and on the other side if there are no issues then you can be assured that the money you are spending buying a property will be safer


Would you buy a car without an MOT ?

Of course, you would not, so why would you invest thousands £, Hundreds of £’s into a property without getting it checked over first?

What does each type of Survey Give you? see below

Condition Survey 
Help you make a reasoned and informed decision
as to whether to proceed, reconsider or renegotiate on the purchase
 Although is only for the lender’s benefit
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Identify potential problems
such as any repairs or replacements the property needs including inspecting roofs, chimneys and other surfaces on the outside of the building from ground level
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Can help you negotiate a better property price
Where problems are discovered or a lower valuation is given, buyers are enabled to negotiate a lower buying price
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Show traffic light ratings
which give you a green/amber/red condition of your property in an easy to understand format
Prepare you
for potentially costly repairs after you move in
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Completed by a Qualified Surveyor
All Surveyors are fully qualified and highly experienced and Independent meaning you get a truthful Survey with no other agenda than giving you the information you need to know. Surveyors are Members of Rics, Sava and RPSA
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Independent valuation
gives you a professional valuation of the property, helping prevent you from paying too much for the property
Exhaustive report
a more in-depth survey on construction, issues and defects
Appropriate for all properties
a suitable survey, irrespective of age, construction type, condition and level of modification
Highlights urgent issues
Reports on any defects needing urgent attention
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On-going maintenance
Professional recommendations on repairs and maintenance
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Building reinstatement Costs
Included for insurance purposes
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Appropriate for standard property types
Suitable for properties built later than 1870 of standard construction (brick and tile)
Appropriate for unusual property types
Suitable for an older, unusual constructed or extensively modified properties(e.g. extended) or those in need of modernisation
Advice for your Solicitor
Observations that may impact the legal title investigation conducted by your solicitor.
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Don’t buy a property without a Survey !

Essex Property Surveys